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Road biking on Gran Canaria:
The island has scenic coast roads and many mountain roads with high peaks, deep valleys, long climbs and fast descents - equally suited for pros, amateurs and hobby riders. Spectacular scenery, in combination with an ‘eternal summer’, makes for amazing cycling adventures all year round. Classic routes like "Pico de las Nieves", "Serenity-Tauro Pass" and "Valley of the Tears" are both challenging and rewarding experiences for all cyclists alike. Choose your tour, select your level and join us for what will hopefully be #theperfectride! (You can switch the levels by clicking the level drop-down menu on the Tour Overview tab.)
Ø Tageskilometer: 55-90 km
Anstieg: 650m bis 1.600m
Ø Geschwindigkeit: 18-22 km/h
Our Cappuccino Road Tours offer an enjoyable experience for those who want to go for rides that are focussed more on the social aspect of group riding. Furthermore, we allow plenty of time for taking in the unique Gran Canarian nature and spectacular scenery, may that be mountains, coastline or villages. However, there are still a few challenges to overcome on every ride. Even if the pace is relatively slow, the island is anything but flat, and together we’ll conquer the hills and descents that come our way!.
Ø Tageskilometer: 65-100km
Anstieg: 1.100m bis 2.600m
Ø Geschwindigkeit: 22-26 km/h
Our Hobby Road Tours are for riders who are used to being in the saddle for at least 2.5 hours between longer breaks. Having previous experience with cycling in a group is recommended. As we venture further on the island, we'll face a few tougher and longer climbs. The pace will be moderate but steady. Fear not, we will take regular breaks for refuelling and taking photos of the spectacular scenery. Let’s go!
Ø Tageskilometer: 70-105 km
Anstieg: 1.100m bis 2.600m
Ø Geschwindigkeit: 24-28 km/h
Our Sport Road Tours are for the experienced rider, who is used to long hours in the saddle, riding in a group, and can hold a faster and more consistent pace on longer climbs. We will occasionally stop to take in the views, snap a photo and fill up our bottles, as well as having a longer mid-ride break. Challenge yourself and join us for a memorable ride!
Technical Difficulty (TD) & Fitness Level (FL) Ratings
TD0 (Very easy) - TD0 are routes without any particular difficulties. They run mostly on unsealed roads or paths on a natural surface with good grip, or compact gravel. Steps, rocks or roots are not to be expected. The gradient will be slight to moderate, turns are not tight. These roads/ trails can generally be ridden even without any particular technical MTB skills.
TD1 (Easy) - On TD1 routes, you will have to ride over smaller obstacles such as flat roots and small stones/rocks. Very often you'll find that the odd gulley or erosion damage is the reason for this difficulty rating. The surface may not always be firm. The gradient would have a maximum of 40%. The turns are generally wide. TD1 routes will require basic technical MTB skills and constant attention. The trickier passages call for dosed breaking and body displacement. They should generally be ridden in a standing position. Obstacles can generally be rolled over.
TD2 (Somewhat difficult) - TD2 routes often contain larger roots and stones/rocks. The surface is frequently loose. Steps can be expected. Often there are narrow/tight turns and the gradient can be up to 70% in places. The obstacles require body displacement to be successfully ridden. Readiness to break at all times and the ability to shift your centre of gravity are necessary techniques, as well as the ability to regulate the pressure of your breaking and hold permanent body tension.
TD3 (Difficult) - Blocked singletrack with larger boulders, tricky rock gardens and/or root passages can be encountered on TD3 routes. There are often higher steps, tight hairpin turns and tricky traverses. The opportunities for relaxed rolling are rare. The surface is often very slippery due to loose materials. A gradient of over 70% is not unusual. Sections with this difficulty rating require you to have very good bike handling skills and unbroken concentration. Exact breaking and a very good sense of balance is required.
TD4 (Very difficult) - TD4 routes include very steep and blocked singletrack, with large boulders, challenging rockgardens and/or demanding root passages, as well as frequently loose scree. Very steep slopes, narrow hairpin turns and steps on which the cogs unavoidably touch are frequent features on TD4 routes. In order to safely ride this category route, techniques such as being able to move the front and back wheels sideways (e.g. in hairpins) are absolutely essential, as well as outstanding breaking technique and balance. Even carrying a bike up such passages is often not free from dangers.
TD5 (Extremely difficult) - TD5 routes are characterised by blocked terrain with counter climbs, scree slopes and severe erosion, extremely narrow and tight turns, multiple obstacles (e.g. fallen trees) – frequently in extreme steepness (cliffs). Very little if any breaking time. Obstacles may at times need to be ridden in combination, and many of them have to be jumped over. Hairpins are so tight that moving the wheels sideways is hardly possible, even carrying the bike would be almost impossible as you need your hands to hold on, or even climb."
Fitness Level (FL) scale for MTB & eMTB
Consider all factors and identify which level best describes your current MTB riding routine. The scale is merely a guide. If you are unsure of which level to choose, please speak to any of our staff, they will be happy to assist you in making the right choice.
Basic You ride an MTB once a week, in general for at least an hour each time, on mixed surfaces, including a few short hills.
Medium You ride an MTB twice a week, in general for at least a couple of hours each time, on mixed surfaces, including a few long hills.
High You ride an MTB ˃2 times per week, in general for at least a couple of hours each time, on mixed surfaces, including long hills.
General MTB
Our MTB tours are mainly designed for fit and experienced offroad riders. Our current tours have a distinct cross-country flavour and all of them include a few longer, tougher climbs. The routes are a great mix of broken dirt roads and singletrack, amongst mountains, valleys and along the southern coastline. Some sections of winding asphalt roads do exist, mainly as connections between the various riding areas. Furthermore, all the routes have some technically challenging sections (T2 and/or T3) which require some extra focus and effort. In general however, it is the elevation that makes these rides ‘advanced’, more than the technical difficulty. Join us on these great mountain bike adventures that showcase the hidden offroad gems of south-central Gran Canaria. Let’s GO!
This section explains each difficulty rating in more detail, and the necessary technical skills required. It assumes that the riding conditions (light, weather, ground etc.) are ideal.
TD0 (Very easy) - TD0 are routes without any particular difficulties. They run mostly on unsealed roads or paths on a natural surface with good grip, or compact gravel. Steps, rocks or roots are not to be expected. The gradient will be slight to moderate, turns are not tight. These roads/ trails can generally be ridden even without any particular technical MTB skills.
TD1 (Easy) - On TD1 routes, you will have to ride over smaller obstacles such as flat roots and small stones/rocks. Very often you'll find that the odd gulley or erosion damage is the reason for this difficulty rating. The surface may not always be firm. The gradient would have a maximum of 40%. The turns are generally wide. TD1 routes will require basic technical MTB skills and constant attention. The trickier passages call for dosed breaking and body displacement. They should generally be ridden in a standing position. Obstacles can generally be rolled over.
TD2 (Somewhat difficult) - TD2 routes often contain larger roots and stones/rocks. The surface is frequently loose. Steps can be expected. Often there are narrow/tight turns and the gradient can be up to 70% in places. The obstacles require body displacement to be successfully ridden. Readiness to break at all times and the ability to shift your centre of gravity are necessary techniques, as well as the ability to regulate the pressure of your breaking and hold permanent body tension.
TD3 (Difficult) - Blocked singletrack with larger boulders, tricky rock gardens and/or root passages can be encountered on TD3 routes. There are often higher steps, tight hairpin turns and tricky traverses. The opportunities for relaxed rolling are rare. The surface is often very slippery due to loose materials. A gradient of over 70% is not unusual. Sections with this difficulty rating require you to have very good bike handling skills and unbroken concentration. Exact breaking and a very good sense of balance is required.
TD4 (Very difficult) - TD4 routes include very steep and blocked singletrack, with large boulders, challenging rockgardens and/or demanding root passages, as well as frequently loose scree. Very steep slopes, narrow hairpin turns and steps on which the cogs unavoidably touch are frequent features on TD4 routes. In order to safely ride this category route, techniques such as being able to move the front and back wheels sideways (e.g. in hairpins) are absolutely essential, as well as outstanding breaking technique and balance. Even carrying a bike up such passages is often not free from dangers.
TD5 (Extremely difficult) - TD5 routes are characterised by blocked terrain with counter climbs, scree slopes and severe erosion, extremely narrow and tight turns, multiple obstacles (e.g. fallen trees) – frequently in extreme steepness (cliffs). Very little if any breaking time. Obstacles may at times need to be ridden in combination, and many of them have to be jumped over. Hairpins are so tight that moving the wheels sideways is hardly possible, even carrying the bike would be almost impossible as you need your hands to hold on, or even climb."
Fitness Level (FL) scale for MTB & eMTB
Consider all factors and identify which level best describes your current MTB riding routine. The scale is merely a guide. If you are unsure of which level to choose, please speak to any of our staff, they will be happy to assist you in making the right choice.
Basic You ride an MTB once a week, in general for at least an hour each time, on mixed surfaces, including a few short hills.
Medium You ride an MTB twice a week, in general for at least a couple of hours each time, on mixed surfaces, including a few long hills.
High You ride an MTB ˃2 times per week, in general for at least a couple of hours each time, on mixed surfaces, including long hills.
General e-MTB
Our e-MTB tours are well suited for MTB riders who have good bike handling skills, but don’t necessarily want to push themselves too hard on the longer, tougher climbs. The routes are a great mix of broken dirt roads and singletrack, amongst mountains, valleys and along the southern coastline. Some sections of winding asphalt roads do exist, mainly as connections between the various riding areas. Furthermore, all the routes have some technically challenging sections (T2 and/or T3) which require some extra focus and effort. In general however, it is the elevation that makes these rides ‘advanced’, more than the technical difficulty, but with our great e-MTB’s it’s pure joy! Join us on these great mountain bike adventures that showcase the hidden offroad gems of south-central Gran Canaria. Let’s GO!
The Fataga Village
Von der Küste zum malerischen Bergdorf
Distanz: 36 km
Bergauf: 956 m
Downhill: 956 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:15
Check-in time: 08:45
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Verwirkliche Deine Radträume mit einer Route, die hügeliges Gelände, lange flache Strecken, Anstiege und Abfahrten bietet!
Hobby / Sport
Distanz: 70 km
Bergauf: 1170 m
Downhill: 1170 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Fataga Santa Lucía
Mach mit bei der Switchback Heaven-Herausforderung!
Distanz: 67 km
Bergauf: 1350 m
Downhill: 1350 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Wir starten diese Tour in unserem Bike Shop in Playa del Inglés. Unsere Reise beginnt Richtung Norden, wo wir uns zum charmanten Dorf San Bartolomé de Tirajana begeben. Die erste Herausforderung des Tages ist der Aussichtspunkt Degollada de las Yeguas, der 474 Meter hoch ist. Wir werden nicht lange brauchen, um ihn zu erobern.
Von dort fahren wir ins Tal ab, während der Wind durch unsere Haare rauscht und die Vorfreude auf den vor uns liegenden Weg steigt und wir uns auf die bevorstehende Herausforderung freuen.Unser nächster Aufstieg führt uns durch das malerische Dorf von Fataga, und gipfelt schließlich am höchsten Punkt unseres Abenteuers, Tunte, der sich auf schwindelerregenden 900 Metern ü. d. M. befindet. Wir setzen unser kanarisches Fahrradabenteuer fort, indem wir durch die urigen Straßen von San Bartolomé de Tirajana rollen, bevor wir dann nach Osten abbiegen, in Richtung des Dorfes Santa Lucia. Dort machen wir dann eine wohlverdiente Pause, um neue Energie zu tanken.
Unsere Reise nimmt dann eine aufregende Wendung in Richtung Südosten, wo wir die halsbrecherische Straße Los Cuchillos hinunterdüsen. Sie ist berühmt für aufregende Kurven und Wendungen, die atemberaubende Ausblicke auf die Schluchten und Täler unterhalb bieten. Wenn wir schließlich El Doctoral erreichen, biegen wir nach Westen ab, wo wir dann die Küste bis nach Playa del Inglés verfolgen. Meistens haben wir hier den Wind im Rücken, der uns mit einem sanften Schubs nach Hause bringt.
Schließe dich unseren sachkundigen Reiseleitern und anderen Radfahrern auf dieser einzigartigen Tour durch das Serpentinenparadies von Gran Canaria an. Entdecke die Schönheit der Insel, während du ihre Straßen bezwingst und die atemberaubende Landschaft genießt. Verpasse dieses Fahrradabenteuer nicht - buche noch heute deinen Platz!
Fataga Temisas
Aufsatteln, es ist Zeit für die Switchback-Herausforderung!
Distanz: 86 km
Bergauf: 1750 m
Downhill: 1750 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Ayagaures Stausee und Tapas!
Erlebe ein erholsames Fahrradabenteuer durch das Tal und hinauf zum atemberaubenden Aussichtspunkt: atemberaubende Meerblicke und ein köstliches kanarisches Tapas-Mittagessen inklusive.
Distanz: 33 km
Bergauf: 560 m
Downhill: 560 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Tauro Pass Soria
Serenity – Ein Aufstieg fürs Tagebuch, und zwar aus mit gutem Grund!
Distanz: 62 km
Bergauf: 1200 m
Downhill: 1200 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Tauropass Soria
Erlebe Serenity, eine unvergesslicher Aufstieg!
Distanz: 62 km
Bergauf: 1200 m
Downhill: 1200 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Grand Canyon
Atemberaubende Bergpanoramen, stetige Anstiege und aufregende Abfahrten! Leichtes Mittagessen inklusive.
Distanz: 41 km
Bergauf: 660 m
Downhill: 660 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Ayagaures Valley
Bergauf und bergab bis zum Aussichtspunkt! Berge, Meerblick und köstliche örtliche Spezialitäten… was will man mehr von einer Radtour?
Distanz: 41 km
Bergauf: 630 m
Downhill: 630 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:45
Check-in time: 09:15
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Fataga Santa Lucia
Entdecke Switchback Heaven!
Distanz: 67 km
Bergauf: 1395 m
Downhill: 1395 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Pico de las Nieves
Vom Meeresspiegel bis zum Gipfel der Insel!
Distanz: 103 km
Bergauf: 2595 m
Downhill: 2595 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Fataga - Santa Lucia
Mach Dich bereit für das Radlerparadies!
Hobby / Sport
Distanz: 67 km
Bergauf: 1330 m
Downhill: 1330 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Hidden Treasures
Steinzeitliche Höhlen, ein verstecktes Tal und eine historische Stadt!
Geh mit uns auf Entdeckungstour!
Distanz: 58 km
Bergauf: 1000 m
Downhill: 1230 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:45
Check-in time: 09:15
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Preis inkl. Transport.
Cercados de Espino
Entdecke die Aussicht auf den Ozean, das hügelige Gelände und die sanfte Steigungen auf dieser entspannenden Tour!
Distanz: 50 km
Bergauf: 650 m
Downhill: 650 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Mach deine Fahrradträume wahr!
Distanz: 70 km
Bergauf: 1170 m
Downhill: 1170 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Bandama Crater
Erlebe bei einer Radtour atemberaubende und unvergessliche Ausblicke auf einen Vulkankrater.
E-Bike Trekking
Distanz: 25 km
Bergauf: 710 m
Downhill: 670 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Preis inkl. Transport.
Fataga Discovery Ride
Malerische Straßen zu einem bezaubernden Dorf
Distanz: 36 km
Bergauf: 956 m
Downhill: 956 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:45
Check-in time: 09:15
Preis inkl. Mietrad
The Green North
Freitags ist der Tag der Überraschungen!
Distanz: 67 km
Bergauf: 1390 m
Downhill: 2290 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
The Green North
Überraschungs-Freitage - ein Tag voller Herausforderungen und Abenteuer!
Distanz: 67 km
Bergauf: 1390 m
Downhill: 2290 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
The Green North
Ein aufregender Freitag - überschreite deine Grenzen und lebe deine Leidenschaft für die Straße!
Distanz: 90 km
Bergauf: 1500 m
Downhill: 1800 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Eine aufregende Fahrt durch den Pinienwald des Naturparks mit atemberaubender Aussicht auf die Schlucht.
Distanz: 48 km
Bergauf: 600 m
Downhill: 1800 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis inkl. Mietrad
The Valley Escape
Vom Ozean zur idyllischen Bergoase
Distanz: 49 km
Bergauf: 535 m
Downhill: 535 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:45
Check-in time: 09:15
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Ayagaures Stausee und Tapas!
Erlebe ein erholsames Fahrradabenteuer durch das Tal und hinauf zum atemberaubenden Aussichtspunkt: atemberaubende Meerblicke und ein köstliches kanarisches Tapas-Mittagessen inklusive.
Distanz: 33 km
Bergauf: 560 m
Downhill: 560 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis inkl. Mietrad
Palmitos Ayagaures
Genieße eine unglaubliche Fahrt in unseren Hinterhof!
Distanz: 50 km
Bergauf: 760 m
Downhill: 760 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Ayagaures – Salobre
Drei wunderschöne Täler und drei herausfordernde Anstiege, die sich lohnen.
Hobby / Sport
Distanz: 70 km
Bergauf: 1350 m
Downhill: 1350 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:00
Check-in time: 08:30
Preis exkl. Mietrad
Palmitos Ayagaures
Genieße eine unglaubliche Fahrt in unseren Hinterhof!
Distanz: 55 km
Bergauf: 760 m
Downhill: 760 m
Tour start: Playa del Inglés, Gran Canaria um 9:20
Check-in time: 08:50
Preis exkl. Mietrad